Group of Mature Friends Socializing in Backyard Together

Because the more we know about YOU,

the more we know about US!

Because the more we know about YOU,

the more we know about US!


Novi Analytics is the premiere participant resource for inclusive scholarly, clinical, and market research activities. Novi is Latin for knowledge, recognition, and awareness. Founded by academic and clinical research scholars, Novi strives to help individuals, nonprofits, and corporate-based researchers find diverse study participants.

Our mission is to help researchers connect

with BIPOC, differently-abled people, and

other underrepresented groups so their

research is truly inclusive and representative

of society.


Using our patented Novi Network ​Matching platform, academic and ​clinical researchers can gain access ​to vital information about the lived ​experiences, social trends and health ​needs of black, brown, BIPOC, ​women, differently abled, and other ​minority populations often neglected ​in academic and clinical studies.


1. Participant Recruitment: We take the hassle out of finding diverse study participants for your research projects. ​Our extensive database includes a wide range of demographics, including race, ethnicity, age, gender identity, ​and more. We also work with community organizations to connect with hard-to-reach populations.

2. Participant Screening: Our team conducts thorough screenings to ensure that

participants meet your specific criteria for your study. This helps save time and resources

by only recruiting individuals who are a good fit for your research needs.

3. Participant Communication: We handle all communication with

potential participants, including scheduling appointments, sending reminders,

and answering any questions they may have about the study. This allows

researchers to focus on the important aspects of their study, while we

take care of the recruitment logistics.

4. Incentive Management: We understand the importance of properly

incentivizing participants for their time and effort in participating in

research studies. Our team will handle all aspects of incentive

management, from selecting and distributing incentives to

tracking and reporting on participant compensation.


5. Data Collection: Our data collection methods ​are customizable to fit your specific research ​needs. We offer a variety of options such as ​online surveys, phone interviews, focus groups, ​and more. Our trained staff ensures accurate ​collection and entry of data for analysis.

6. Data Analysis: Once data is collected, our ​team can assist with analyzing and interpreting ​the results using various statistical methods. We ​have experience working with both qualitative ​and quantitative


  • Participants create a profile on the ​Novi Network® - our exclusive ​confidential demographic matching ​system.
  • When a Research Request matches ​your profile, you’ll decide to accept, ​reject or learn more about the ​request.
  • If you accept, the Knowledge Seeker ​will contact you via the secure Novi ​Knowledge Network to follow up.

That’s It!

Contact US

(c) 2023 - 2025. Novi Analytics is a subsidiary ​of The Raynes Group, LLC All rights reserved ..